The Members of the New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association agree to:
- Achieve excellence by promoting the Certified Educational Facility Manager Program. This program will elevate membership status through education and training there by enabling the individual to better serve his or her school district.
- Build for the future by cooperating with the State Department of Education in the development and implementation of Educational Facility Regulations and Standards.
- Promote the State Department of Education Certification of our members as Educational Facility Managers.
- Promote the general welfare of the asssociation, and to maintain a high standard of professional ethics.
- Support dstrict administrators in their effort to provide a Healthy, Safe, and Secure Facility conducive to the educational needs of our children.
- Promote a spirit of fellowship among chapter membership.
- Promote a network of Facility Managers throughout the State of New Jersey, and across the country.
- Continually strive to develop the most cost effective and safe means to operate our Facility.